Koror, Palau, 10 February 2020
A four day training workshop on the SEIDP RE/EE Guidelines is currently underway. The workshop is the first of the second round of workshops for the Northern Utilities under the World Bank funded Sustainable Energy Industry Development Project (SEIDP) and runs from 10 -14 February 2020 at the Palau International Coral Reef Research Centre.
The workshop is conducted by Dr Herbert Wade of Global Sustainable Energy System who has been contracted by the PPA to develop the guidelines and carryout the workshops.
A total of 19 participants from the utility, Palau Public Utilities Corporation and the Palau Community College attended the Workshop.
The workshops covers the following guidelines:
How to determine maximum demand in an off-grid system
Sizing the array/battery and inverter in an off-grid system (standard controller and MPPT)
Matching Array/Inverters and energy yield in a grid connect system
Designing AC Bus Hybrid System
Selecting a solar water pumping system
The workshop also included a field session to inspect existing PV installation.