PPA’s principal activities include:
A regional training programme. The Association administers a programme of technical and non-technical training activities for the power utilities in cooperation with its members, associate training institutions, and co-sponsoring funding institutions such as the Asian Development Bank, European Union, United Nations Development and US Department of Interior.
A managerial, technical and financial cooperation programme for sharing utility expertise. The Association identifies qualified personnel in member utilities to contribute expertise in specialized areas in which other member utilities request assistance, and supports the travel and subsistence expenses of such personnel visiting member utilities on short-term secondments. As circumstances warrant, the Association arranges for PPA professional staff and/or outside consultants to assist with assignments.
A regional power sector database. The Association is developing a database of power sector information including operating and financial statistics of member utilities, lists of utility assets and personnel, spares and fuels inventories and values, and will eventually include rosters of consultants, equipment suppliers, and similar information. The database is designed to be flexible to members’ changing requirements. A considerable undertaking, the database is expected to be available in mid 2000.
A quarterly magazine. The Association publishes Pacific Power, a professional quality quarterly magazine featuring technical articles, technology reviews, and utility “profiles” in addition to Association and regional power sector news articles and utility notices.
Commercial advertising space is available. The magazine is circulated free to members and for a small subscription fee (US$40.00 per annum) to non-member government organizations, private companies, regional bodies and institutions.
Utility Studies. The Association is facilitates technical studies for the Members Utilities. It has facilitated a regional power system loss study. The result of this study has enabled the utilities to embark on putting together action plans to reduce the losses to an acceptable level. The Association is also undertaking an ongoing benchmarking undertaking a regional benchmarking exercise for all member utilities. This report presents the findings of the exercise and the results of benchmarking can be utilized by the power utilities to formulate performance improvement programs (PIPS) to improve the overall performance of the utilities making them more sustainable. Work has also commenced on a grid stability study for utility members to determine the performance of the island grid under high levels of renewable energy penetration.
An Annual Meeting and Trade Exhibition. With the cooperation each year of an Active member host, the Association organizes an Annual General Meeting of members and invited non-member participants. In addition to general PPA business discussions, the AGMs feature a Trade Exhibition of private sector products and services and provide an opportunity for formal and informal face-to-face discussions between utility managers and suppliers.