Active Membership & Benefits
Active Members are entitled to vote in person or by proxy at any meeting that is held by PPA. Active members are also directors of the Association along with the Executive Director. They have the right to make amendments to the Board Regulations and By-Laws.They receive a free subscription to the PPA quarterly magazine.
They have free access to the database, expected to be completed this year. Members take active part in hosting and organising AGMs with PPA, with funding assistance from donors. They share technical expertise, training, manpower, and other resources with other member utilities.
PPA provides a valuable way of sharing experience, by arranging for employees to spend time in other utilities, both teaching and learning new skills.
Allied Membership & Benefits
Allied Members are represented by one of their member on the Board of the PPA. Allied Members participate in the AGM each year. They receive a free subscription to the PPA quarterly magazine. They have free access to the database, expected to be completed this year, on a read-only basis.
Members have a time slot during the AGM to make presentations to other members, both Active and Allied. Firsthand information on requests for proposals, management changes, and other information from member utilities.