
Past Annual PPA Conferences have benefited from valuable sponsorship from both the Active and Allied membership. This has been very much appreciated by all in attendance and in particular has advantaged the sponsors in their relationships with the Pacific Island Utilities.

The value of individual sponsorships are outlined below together with the benefit to the sponsor.


Individual Sponsorship in excess of $3,000 or greater


  • Prominent placement of Company Logo & Name on Banner
  • Company Logo and name will be electronically displayed during the opening ceremony and throughout the technical presentations.
  • Prominent placement of Company Logo & Name on Conference page of PPA web site with link to Sponsor’s web site
  • 5 minutes speaking slot during the sponsored function

Individual Sponsorship in excess of $2,000 to $3,000

  • Company Logo and name will be electronically displayed during the opening ceremony and throughout the technical presentations.
  • Placement of Company Logo & Name on Banner
  • Placement of Company Logo on Conference page of PPA web site with link to Sponsor’s web site
  • 2 minutes speaking slot during the sponsored function

Individual Sponsorship in excess of $500 to $2,000

  • Company Logo and name will be electronically displayed during the opening ceremony and throughout the technical presentations.
  • Placement of Name only (no logo) on Banner
  • Placement of Name only (no logo) on Conference page of PPA website with link to Sponsor’s web site.
  • Recognition of sponsors at sponsored function

Allied Members Sponsorship Confirmation Form

For joint sponsorship, please use a separate form for each organization and indicate JOINT SPONSORSHIP on each form. For more details, please contact the PPA Secretariat on ppa@pa.org.fj or telephone +679 3306-022

Item # Function Date Details Cost (USD) Sponsored By;
Morning Tea & Afternoon Tea Mon 30 Sept      Provision of morning and afternoon teas for delegates during the CEOs retreat and the Allied Members formal meetings. Sponsorship covers coffee, tea, juice, pastries.  


 Nauru Utilities Corporation 
     2. Lunch Mon 30 Sept  Lunch for delegates after the CEOs retreat and Allied Members formal meetings. Sponsorship covers food and juice $4,500.00  Pohnpei Utilities Corporation
    3. Morning Tea & Afternoon Tea Tues 01 Oct Provision of morning and afternoon teas for delegates during the official opening ceremony and Board Meetings. Sponsorship covers coffee, tea, juice, pastries.


Marshalls Energy Company
    4. Lunch Tues 01 Oct Lunch for delegates following opening ceremony. Sponsorship covers food and juice  


S&C Electric
    5. Cocktail Function Tues 01 Oct Cocktail Reception for Opening of Trade Exhibition. Sponsorship covers savories and drinks. $6,000.00  Hawthorne
    6. Morning Tea Wed 02 Oct Provision of morning tea for delegates during the speed networking. Sponsorship covers coffee, tea, juice, pastries.


 Elemental Group
    7. Lunch Wed 02 Oct Lunch for delegates following speed networking. Sponsorship covers food and juice  


inHance Utilities
    8. Networking Day Wed 02 Oct A day for Networking for delegates.  Sponsorship covers lunch and drinks.


    9. Conference Dinner Wed 02 Oct Conference Closing Dinner for Delegates. Sponsorship covers food & drinks. $9,000.00  
   10. Morning Tea & Afternoon Tea Thurs 03 Oct Provision of morning & Afternoon teas for delegates during presentations from all PPA members. Sponsorship covers coffee, tea, juice, pastries.  


   11. Lunch Thurs 03 Oct Lunch for delegates following presentations from all PPA members. Sponsorship covers food and juice $4,500.00  
   12. Cocktail Function Thurs 03 Oct Cocktail Reception for Closing of Trade Exhibition. Sponsorship covers savories and drinks. $6,000.00  
   13. Conference  Shirt/Blouse Shirt /Blouse $5,500.00 CBS Power Solutions
   14. Conference Polo shirts Wednesday Networking $4,000.00 Generator Rental Services NZ
   15. Conference caps Wednesday Networking $3,000.00 Pacific Engineering Projects
   16. Conference Satchels Polyester, full flap design @ Cost – Sulzer
    17. Conference Program CEO’s Program $2,000.00 Solomon Power

I hereby confirm sponsorship for the 31st PPA Annual Conference as follows:

Item #


Amount (US$)

Total Contribution

Company Name


Name and Title of person Authorizing




Authorizing Signature



Sponsors of the PPA 31st Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition: