Past Annual PPA Conferences have benefited from valuable sponsorship from both the Active and Allied membership. This has been very much appreciated by all in attendance and in particular has advantaged the sponsors in their relationships with the Pacific Island Utilities.
The value of individual sponsorships are outlined below together with the benefit to the sponsor.
Individual Sponsorship in excess of $3,000 or greater
- Prominent placement of Company Logo & Name on Banner
- Company Logo and name will be electronically displayed during the opening ceremony and throughout the technical presentations.
- Prominent placement of Company Logo & Name on Conference page of PPA web site with link to Sponsor’s web site
- 5 minutes speaking slot during the sponsored function
Individual Sponsorship in excess of $2,000 to $3,000
- Company Logo and name will be electronically displayed during the opening ceremony and throughout the technical presentations.
- Placement of Company Logo & Name on Banner
- Placement of Company Logo on Conference page of PPA web site with link to Sponsor’s web site
- 2 minutes speaking slot during the sponsored function
Individual Sponsorship in excess of $500 to $2,000
- Company Logo and name will be electronically displayed during the opening ceremony and throughout the technical presentations.
- Placement of Name only (no logo) on Banner
- Placement of Name only (no logo) on Conference page of PPA website with link to Sponsor’s web site.
- Recognition of sponsors at sponsored function
Allied Members Sponsorship Confirmation Form
For joint sponsorship, please use a separate form for each organization and indicate JOINT SPONSORSHIP on each form. For more details, please contact the PPA Secretariat on or telephone +679 3306-022
I hereby confirm sponsorship for the 32ndPPA Annual Conference as follows: