RE/EE Guideline Workshop – Yap, FSM

Colonia, Yap, 24 February 2020.

The second workshop of the RE/EE Guidelines for Yap, FSM, began this morning at the YSPSC training center in Colonia, Yap.

A total of 9 participants attended the workshop with a number of the coming from the outer islands of Ulithir and Fasor with the rest coming from the main operations in Colonia, Yap Proper.

The program for the workshop is the same as that for the workshop held earlier in Palau which covered:

  • How to determine maximum demand in an off-grid system –
  • Sizing the array/battery and inverter in an off-grid system – (standard controller and MPPT)
  • Matching Array/Inverters and energy yield in a grid connect system
  • Designing AC Bus Hybrid System
  • Selecting a solar water pumping system

These Guidelines can be downloaded using the following link