The Pacific Power Association, in consultation with the World Bank, has identified the need for Variable Renewable Energy integration assessment and SCADA-Energy Management Storage system design to support the development of the growing renewable energy sector in the region.
In light of this, a team of consultants led by Ricardo Energy & Environment were engaged in early 2018 to work with selected power utilities from around the Pacific to undertake assessments of the existing power systems and to develop best solutions to allow for the deployment of more variable renewable energy sources such as solar photovoltaic and wind power. The first phase of this technical assistance involved in-country data collection and consultations between the consultants and the power utilities.
This week in Nadi, a stakeholders consultation workshop is underway to discuss and validate the findings of studies that have been prepared. The workshop will also allow the consultants to conduct technical dialogue with utilities on key regulatory and policy reform recommendations. In attendance at this workshop are representatives from the PPA secretariat, the World Bank, the consultants as well as the representatives from the power utilities in Chuuk, Kosrae, Marshall Islands, Pohnpei, Samoa, Tuvalu, Tonga and Yap.