Project Activities
- Solar and Wind measurement campaign in the Pacific Islands – Invitation for Bids SEIDP/ICB/1.11/2017
31 October 2017
PPA hosts training workshop on Power System Modelling
A training workshop hosted by the PPA on power system modelling is underway this week in Nadi, Fiji. The workshop is one of the capacity building initiatives under World Bank funded Sustainable Energy Industry Development Project (SEIDP)[i] being implemented by the PPA.
One of the objectives of the SEIDP is to increase the capacity of the p
ower utilities to enhance their ability to incorporate and manage renewable energy technologies. As part of the Technical Assistance of the project, the PPA has procured the power system modelling software DigSILENT’s PowerFactory and will carry out a series of workshops to build the capacity of utilities on how to utilise it. With most of the PPA member utilities embarking on renewable energy projects to displace fossil fuel generation, some utilities are not sufficiently equipped to carry out their own studies to determine the impacts of variable renewable energy technologies on the grid. The ultimate aim of the training workshop is to develop the capacity of PPA utility members to carry out their own power system planning and grid integration studies.
Representatives from 13 utilities across the Pacific are in attendance at this workshop which is being facilitated by expert trainers from DigSILENT Pacific.
The Sustainable Energy Industry Development Project (SEIDP) aims to increase the data availability and capacity of power utilities in PICs to enhance their ability to incorporate and manage renewable energy technologies and long-term disaster risk planning.
The project will provide support to the Pacific Power Association (PPA) to assist PIC utilities through a series of activities which will:
- Increase publicly available information on renewable energy resources.
- Increase available planning tools, and provide training to both the PPA and PIC power utilities in the use of these tools.
- Improve technical and institutional capacity within the PPA and PIC power utilities for planning and management, aimed at the successful integration and long-term management of power systems with higher levels of renewable energy.
- Strengthened planning capacity for disaster recovery and risk reduction within PIC power utilities.
The project will build on existing renewable energy policies and frameworks already implemented by governments and administrations in the region. Together with coordination from the PPA, the project will promote the implementation of shared renewable energy objectives.